119 research outputs found

    Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with hard and light intensity physical activity but not time spent sedentary in 10–14 year old schoolchildren: the HAPPY study

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    Sedentary behaviour is a major risk factor for developing chronic diseases and is associated with low cardiorespiratory fitness in adults. It remains unclear how sedentary behaviour and different physical activity subcomponents are related to cardiorespiratory fitness in children. The purpose of this study was to assess how sedentary behaviour and different physical activity subcomponents are associated with 10–14 year-old schoolchildren's cardiorespiratory fitness

    Keeping work and private life apart:Age‐related differences in managing the work–nonwork interface

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    Initial evidence suggests that older workers enjoy higher work–life balance than young workers. Yet little is known about the mechanisms of this effect or the robustness of age differences when accounting for differences in life context. We introduce and test the boundary management account of aging and work–life balance, which suggests that older workers maintain stronger work–nonwork boundaries as a pathway toward work–life balance. Both in Study 1 (cross‐sectional; N = 298 bank employees) and in Study 2 (aggregated diary entries; N = 608 workers), older workers reported better work–life balance and stronger boundaries at work than young workers; and stronger boundaries at home (Study 1). In both studies, stronger boundaries were related to better work–life balance, and boundary strength mediated the relationship between age and work–life balance. Study 2 additionally suggests that the use of boundary management strategies is responsible for stronger boundaries at higher age. Analyses accounted for differences in family and work context characteristics (both studies) and boundary preferences (Study 1). The findings corroborate evidence of older workers' enhanced work–life balance and suggest that it results from more successful boundary management with age rather than merely from changes in contextual factors or boundary preferences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved

    Stau Search in IceCube

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    The tau lepton’s supersymmetric partner, the stau, appears in some models as the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle. Their deacy process into the lightest superpartner is usually suppressed by supersymmetry breaking, which makes it a long-lived particle. In this scenario, its signature is a long, minimally ionizing track when traveling through the IceCube detector. Independent of their primary energy, the stau tracks appear like low-energy muons in the detector. A potential signal of staus would thus be an excess over muon tracks induced by atmospheric muon neutrinos. Our analysis focuses on the region around the horizon as here the ratio between stau signal and atmospheric background is largest. We will present the first sensitivity to constrain the stau mass using IceCube and demonstrate the potential of this analysis with future improvements

    Hvem læser på velfærdsprofessionsuddannelserne? – ændringer i rekrutteringsmønstre de sidste 25 år

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    Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med den generelle udvikling i den sociale rekruttering til de videregående uddannelser i Danmark de sidste 30 år og sætter særlig fokus på, hvilke sociale grupper velfærdsprofessionerne rekrutterer fra, sammenlignet med øvrige videregående uddannelser. Velfærdsprofessionerne er interessante, fordi de indtager en central rolle i forhold til at opretholde vitale funktioner i velfærdssamfundet. De seneste år har været præget af en debat om, hvorvidt disse semiprofessioner har oplevet et relativt statustab set i forhold til de øvrige videregående uddannelser. Vi undersøger ændringer i adgangen til velfærdsprofessionsuddannelserne og de øvrige videregående uddannelser gennem en række statistiske modeller på baggrund af registerdata fra perioden 1989-2011. Vi finder, at den sociale ulighed, eller sociale selektivitet, i adgangen til videregående uddannelser generelt er mindsket over årene, men primært i de perioder hvor uddannelserne ekspanderer. Vi finder videre, at den sociale selektivitet i udgangspunktet er ganske forskellig afhængig af, om vi betragter de selektive lange videregående uddannelser eller de mindre selektive velfærdsprofessionsuddannelser (hvor pædagoguddannelsen er den mindst selektive af de fire behandlede velfærdsprofessionsuddannelser). ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Jens Peter Thomsen, Siri Dencker and Thomas Mørch Pedersen: Changes in Access to Higher Education and Welfare Professional Educations in Denmark 1989-2011 In this paper we examine the social backgrounds of the individuals enrolled in welfare professional educations in Denmark. We ask if there have been significant changes in enrollments in these educations relative to other higher educations during the past 30 years? Can we find evidence of a purported status loss of these professional educations relative to other professions? This paper addresses these questions by applying various regression models using Danish register data from 1989 to 2011. It is shown that: 1. Social inequality in access to higher education has been on the decline during 1989-2011, but only in times of educational expansion. 2. Social selectivity in access to welfare professional educations differs, all of these educations being significantly less selective than university education. Key words: Inequality in access to higher education by social origin, educational expansion, higher education programmes, access to welfare professional programmes

    Designing proactive assembly systems – Criteria and interaction between Automation, Information, and Competence

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    Increasing customisation of products results in decreasing production batch sizes, especially in the final assembly. Industry must therefore increase their capability to handle smaller batches as well as radically decrease set up time between different product groups and new products. This paper suggests the need for further development, primarily addressing time parameters in dynamically changing assembly systems. We propose proactivity as a vital characteristic of semi-automated assembly systems, to increase fulfilment of customer demands and decrease non value-adding tasks. In proactive assembly systems, the full and complementary potential of human operators and technical systems is utilised. Criteria for proactivity in assembly systems are reviewed from automation, information, and competence perspectives.QC 2012013

    The number of k-mer matches between two DNA sequences as a function of k and applications to estimate phylogenetic distances.

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    We study the number Nk of length-k word matches between pairs of evolutionarily related DNA sequences, as a function of k. We show that the Jukes-Cantor distance between two genome sequences-i.e. the number of substitutions per site that occurred since they evolved from their last common ancestor-can be estimated from the slope of a function F that depends on Nk and that is affine-linear within a certain range of k. Integers kmin and kmax can be calculated depending on the length of the input sequences, such that the slope of F in the relevant range can be estimated from the values F(kmin) and F(kmax). This approach can be generalized to so-called Spaced-word Matches (SpaM), where mismatches are allowed at positions specified by a user-defined binary pattern. Based on these theoretical results, we implemented a prototype software program for alignment-free sequence comparison called Slope-SpaM. Test runs on real and simulated sequence data show that Slope-SpaM can accurately estimate phylogenetic distances for distances up to around 0.5 substitutions per position. The statistical stability of our results is improved if spaced words are used instead of contiguous words. Unlike previous alignment-free methods that are based on the number of (spaced) word matches, Slope-SpaM produces accurate results, even if sequences share only local homologies

    Forecasting and Simulation of Currency Exchange Rate Volatility

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    Valūtas apmaiņas kursa volatilitātes jeb svārstīguma modelēšana un prognozēšana, izmantojot ekonometriskus modeļus, pēdējos gados, īpaši saistībā ar globālo finanšu krīzi, kad pieaug nenoteiktība un mazinās uzticība tirgiem, gūst arvien lielāku ievērību. Valūtas kursa volatilitāte ietekmē starptautiskās tirdzniecības apjomu, investīcijas, konkurētspēju un citus ekonomiskos rādītājus. Maģistra darbā pētīti valūtu pāri EUR/CHF, EUR/AUD un USD/JPY. Aplūkojot laika periodu no 2009. gada līdz 2013. gadam, katram no valūtu pāriem izveidoti GARCH tipa modeļi, kas spēj modelēt ar valūtas kursu volatilitāti saistītos efektus, proti, asimetrijas efektus uz pozitīviem un negatīviem šokiem, volatilitātes klasteru veidošanās efektus, kā arī sviras efektus. Darba uzdevums ir atrast, kāda tipa GARCH modeļi ir piemērotākie katram no šiem valūtu pāriem, un izpētīt, kā tas, cik lielā mērā globālā finanšu krīze skārusi kādu valsti, ietekmē ekonometrisko modeļu spēju modelēt valūtas kursa volatilitāti.In recent years modeling and forecasting of exchange rate volatility using econometric models has become an important subject, as uncertainty is high and market confidence levels are low due to Global financial crisis. Exchange rate volatility influences international trade, investment level, competitiveness and other economic indicators. Three currency pairs have been investigated in the master’s thesis, namely EUR/CHF, EUR/AUD and USD/JPY. For time period from 2009 to 2013 different GARCH type models were created. These models are able to capture exchange rate volatility effects - asymmetric response to positive and negative return shocks, volatility clustering, as well as leverage effects. Task of the thesis is to find, which type of GARCH models is suitable for each of the three currency pairs, and to do a research on impact of Global financial crisis in different countries and how it affects ability of models to predict exchange rate volatility